Resynchronizing content, Where is the administrative file, Troubles hoot ing – Nokia E62 User Manual

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No profile exists. Create a profile.

Automatic sync requires you to store

username and password. Edit your profile’s

Credentials screen to include your username

and password.

Unsupported device. This device is not

supported by the version of Mail for Exchange

currently on your mobile phone.

Disk full. Unable to process sync request.

Contact your Microsoft Exchange server


Resynchronizing content

A full resynchronization removes the content

you have synchronized to the phone and

replaces that content with the current content

in your account on the Microsoft Exchange

server. Resynchronization is recommended only

when you need to reset large amounts of data

on your phone. To perform a full

resynchronization, select

Options > Full Resync.

When you’ve selected calendar or contacts for

synchronization in the profile, and you perform a

full resynchronization, the initial

synchronization settings for these items are set


Delete items on phone.

When you’ve selected email for synchronization

in the profile, resynchronization resets the

messages to how they originally came from the

server. In other words, expanded messages are

truncated and attachments you have

downloaded from emails, but have not yet saved,

are removed from the mobile phone.

Where is the administrative file?

When diagnosing a problem with your account,

the Microsoft Exchange system administrator

might ask to see the Mail for Exchange

administrative file (admin_logN.txt), which

contains information about the status of the Mail

for Exchange running on your mobile phone.
You can access the administrative file

(admin_logN.txt) with the File Manager

application. It exists in the Mail For Exchange

directory and you can view the file with Notepad.