How to use this manual, 2how to use this manual – Olympus E-500 User Manual

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How to use this manual

This manual includes a table of contents, index and menu list to help you
easily locate the information you need.

Searching the table of contents

g P. 4

All section titles and chapter headings are listed in the table of contents so that you
can quickly find the information you need. There is a chapter containing information
you need to know before using your camera for the first time, a chapter that
describes basic shooting procedures, etc.

Searching the index

g P. 214

Terms used in this manual (such as the names of functions) are listed in
alphabetical order. When you come across a term that you are not familiar with or
about which you want to learn more, you can search the index to find the relevant
page. Camera part names and monitor indications are listed at the end of the

Searching the list of menus

g P. 183

The camera's menus are listed in a tree structure. When you come across a menu
whose name is unfamiliar on the menu screen, you can find the relevant pages for
this menu function in the menu list.

For information on how to read the instructions in this manual, refer to "How to read the
instruction pages" (P. 3).

For example
When you want to play back the images you
have just taken.
J Go to Chapter 7 Playback and look for the page

titled "Single-frame playback........98".

For example
If you want to know more about the term "HQ"
J Go to the index at the end of this manual and

look under H for "HQ.......29".

For example
When you want to know how to make settings
for WB in the menu screen
J Go through the menus until you find WB and

look for the reference page number.