Logging off, Logging on, Logging off -9 logging on -9 – Konica Minolta bizhub C451 User Manual

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Logging off

When the [Logout] in the upper right screen is clicked, a logoff confirmation
screen appears. Click [OK], and the logon page appears again.



The logon page that appears differs depending on the authentication set-
tings specified on the machine.

If a timeout occurs because no operation is performed for a set length of
time while logged on or if the authentication settings are changed from
the machine’s control panel while logged on to User mode, you will au-
tomatically be logged off.

For details on specifying the timeout periods for User mode and Admin-
istrator mode, refer to “Auto Logout” on page 3-50.

Logging on

Depending on the logon method used, PageScope Web Connection will be
in User mode or Administrator mode. Depending on the specified user au-
thentication and user box administrator settings, it is also possible to log on
to User mode as a user box administrator or an administrator user.