Using msiexec.exe – Lenovo ThinkVantage (Client Security Solution 8.21) User Manual
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customizations are made, the user calls msiexec.exe from the command line, passing the name of the
unpacked MSI file.
The following parameters and descriptions are documented in the InstallShield Developer Help
Documentation. Parameters that do not apply to Basic MSI projects were removed.
Table 2. Parameters
/a : Administrative installation
The /a switch causes setup.exe to perform an
administrative installation. An administrative installation
copies (and uncompresses) your data files to a directory
specified by the user, but does not create shortcuts,
register COM servers, or create an uninstallation log.
/x : Uninstall mode
The /x switch causes setup.exe to uninstall a previously
installed product.
/s : Silent mode
The command setup.exe /s suppresses the setup.exe
initialization window for a Basic MSI installation program,
but does not read a response file. Basic MSI projects do
not create or use a response file for silent installations.
To run a Basic MSI product silently, run the command
line setup.exe /s /v/qn. (To specify the values of
public properties for a silent Basic MSI installation,
you can use a command such as setup.exe /s /v"/qn
/v : pass arguments to Msiexec
The /v argument is used to pass command line switches
and values of public properties through to msiexe.exe.
/L : Setup language
Users can use the /L switch with the decimal language
ID to specify the language used by a multi-language
installation program. For example, the command to
specify German is setup.exe /L1031.
/w : Wait
For a Basic MSI project, the /w argument forces setup.exe
to wait until the installation is complete before exiting. If
you are using the /w option in a batch file, you may want
to precede the entire setup.exe command line argument
with start /WAIT. A properly formatted example of this
usage is as follows:
start /WAIT setup.exe /w
Using msiexec.exe
To install from the unpacked source after making customizations, the user calls msiexec.exe from the
command line, passing the name of the unpacked *.MSI file. msiexec.exe is the executable program of the
Installer used to interpret installation packages and install products on target systems.
msiexec /i "C:\WindowsFolder\Profiles\UserName\
Personal\MySetups\project name\product configuration\release name\
DiskImages\Disk1\product name.msi"
Note: Enter the preceding command as a single line with no spaces following the slashes.
The following table describes the available command line parameters that can be used with msiexec.exe
and examples of how to use it.
Client Security Solution 8.21Deployment Guide