Cirrus Logic AN150 User Manual
Cirrus Logic Hardware

Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2001
(All Rights Reserved)
Cirrus Logic, Inc.
Crystal Semiconductor Products Division
P.O. Box 17847, Austin, Texas 78760
(512) 445 7222 FAX: (512) 445 7581
Application Note
The CS5531/32/33/34 are 16 and 24-bit ADCs that
include an ultra low-noise amplifier, a 2 or 4-chan-
nel multiplexer, and various conversion and cali-
bration options. This application note is intended to
provide a resource to help users understand how to
best use the features of these ADCs. The “Getting
Started” section outlines the order in which certain
things should be done in software to ensure that the
converter functions correctly. The “Questions and
Answers” section discusses many of the common
questions that arise when using these ADCs for the
first time.
Initialize the ADCs Serial Port
The CS5531/32/33/34 do not have a reset pin. A re-
set is performed in software by re-synchronizing
the serial port and doing a software reset. Re-syn-
chronizing the serial port ensures that the device is
expecting a valid command. It does not initiate a
reset of the ADC, and all of the register settings of
the device are retained.
A serial port re-synchronization is performed by
sending 15 (or more) bytes of 0xFF (hexadecimal)
to the converter, followed by a single byte of 0xFE.
Note that anytime a command or any other infor-
mation is to be sent to or read from the ADC’s se-
rial port, the CS pin must be low.
Perform a Software Reset
After re-synchronizing the ADCs serial port, a soft-
ware reset should be performed on the device. A re-
set will set all of the internal registers to their
default values, as detailed in the datasheet.
A software reset is performed by writing a “1” to
the RS bit (Bit 29) in the Configuration Register.
When a reset is complete, the RV bit (Bit 28) in the
Configuration Register will be set to a “1” by the
ADC. Any other bits in the Configuration Register
that need to be changed must be done with a sepa-
rate write to the register after the software reset is
Set Up the Configuration Register
After a software reset has been performed, the Con-
figuration Register can be written to configure the
general operation parameters of the device. This
step can be omitted if the system is using the de-
fault register value. Particular attention must be
paid to the setting of the VRS bit (Bit 25). The VRS
bit should be set to “1” if the voltage on the VREF+
and VREF- pins is 2.5 V or less. If the voltage on
the VREF+ and VREF- pins is greater than 2.5V,
the VRS bit should be set to “0”.
Set up the Channel Setup Registers
The Channel Setup Registers determine how the
part should operate when given a conversion or cal-
ibration command. If the system is using the device
with its default settings, the Channel Setup Regis-
ters need not be written. Whether the Channel Set-
up Registers are written or not, they should be
configured for the desired operation of the device
before performing any calibrations or conversions.
Calibrate the ADC
The CS5531/32/33/34 can be calibrated using the
on-chip calibration features for more accuracy. The
parts do not need to be calibrated to function, and
in some systems a calibration step may not be nec-
SEP ‘01