Anti-alias filters, Input impedance, Maximum signal levels – Cirrus Logic CS5372 User Manual

Page 10: Input offset

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CS5371 CS5372



small signals, reducing the gain requirements for
input amplifier stages by a factor of two relative to
single ended analog inputs.


Anti-alias Filters

The CS5371/72 modulator inputs must be band-
width limited to ensure modulator loop stability and
to prevent aliased high-frequency signals. The
modulators are 4th order and so are conditionally
stable, and can be adversely affected by high am-
plitude out-of-band signals. Also, aliasing effects
degrade modulator performance if the analog in-
puts are not bandwidth limited since out-of-band
signals can appear in the measurement band-
width. The use of a simple single pole low-pass
anti-alias filter on the differential inputs ensures
out-of-band signals are eliminated.

Anti-alias filtering may be accomplished actively in
an amplifier stage ahead of the CS5371/72 modu-
lator, or passively using an RC filter across the dif-
ferential rough and fine analog inputs. An RC filter
is recommended, even when using an amplifier
stage, as it minimizes the ‘charge kick’ that the
driving amplifier sees as switched capacitor sam-
pling is performed.

The -3 dB corner of the input anti-alias filter should
be set to the internal modulator sampling clock di-
vided by 64. The modulator sampling clock is a di-
vision by 4 of the modulator clock, MCLK. With
MCLK=2.048 MHz the modulator sampling clock is
512 kHz, requiring an input filter with a -3 dB cor-
ner at 8 kHz.

MCLK Frequency = 2.048 MHz

Sampling Frequency = MCLK / 4 = 512 kHz

-3 dB Filter Corner = Sample Freq / 64 = 8 kHz

RC filter = 8 kHz = 1 / [ 2

π * (2 * R


) * C



It should be noted that when using low power
mode (LPWR=1 and MCLK=1.024 MHz) the mod-
ulator sampling clock is 256 kHz, so the -3 dB filter
corner should be scaled down to 4 kHz.

MCLK Frequency = 1.024 MHz

Sampling Frequency = MCLK / 4 = 256 kHz

-3 dB Filter Corner = Sample Freq / 64 = 4 kHz

RC filter = 4 kHz = 1 / [ 2

π * (2 * R


) * C



Figure 3 illustrates the CS5372/CS5376A system
connections with input anti-alias filter components.
Filter components on the rough and fine pins
should be identical values for optimum perfor-
mance, with the capacitor values a minimum of

µF. The rough input can use either X7R or

C0G capacitors, while the fine input requires C0G
type capacitors for optimal linearity. Using X7R ca-
pacitors on the fine inputs will degrade signal to
distortion performance up to 8 dB.


Input Impedance

Due to the dynamic switched-capacitor input archi-
tecture, the input current required from the analog
signal source and thus the input impedance of the
analog input pins changes any time MCLK is
changed. The input impedance of the rough
charge inputs, INR+ and INR-, is [1 / (f * C)] where
f is the modulator clock frequency, MCLK, and C is
the internal sampling capacitor. A 2.048 MHz
modulator clock yields a rough input impedance of
approximately [1 / (2.048 MHz)*(20 pF)], or about
24 k


Internal to the modulator the rough charge inputs
pre-charge the sampling capacitor used by the fine
inputs, therefore the input current to the fine inputs
is very low and the effective input impedance is or-
ders of magnitude above the impedance of the
rough inputs.


Maximum Signal Levels

The CS5371/72 modulators are 4th order and are
therefore conditionally stable, and may go into an
oscillatory condition if the analog inputs over-range
beyond full scale by more than 5%. If an unstable
condition is detected, the modulators collapse to a
1st order system until loop stability is achieved.
During this time, the MFLAG pin transitions from
low to high signaling the digital filter to set an error
bit in the digital output status word. The analog in-
put signal must be reduced to within the full-scale
range of the converter for at least 32 MCLK cycles
for the modulators to recover from an unstable


The CS5371/72 modulators are

∆Σ type and so

can produce ‘idle tones’ in the passband when the

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