Mittler Bros Machine & Tool Extreme Tire Management User Manual
Mittler Bros Machine & Tool Accessories for water

The Extreme Tire Management System will not only virtually eliminate the humidity and
decrease your air pressure build up on average of 2 to 4 pounds per tire but is also a much faster way
to purge your tires by doing multiple tires at a time.
Extreme Tire Management System Operation Instructions
1. Open latches on unit and remove lid.
2. Connect the male end of the short air hose supplied to the female end of the unit.
3. Plug the supplied manifold into the short air hose.
4. Remove the valve cores from the tires and let them deflate. Just before the tires are
completely deflated, re-install your valve cores. This will keep any additional outside
moisture from coming into the tire.
5. Turn on the digital gauge on the unit. It should be reading zero at this time. If the gauge does
not read zero, push both of the levers on top of the unit to relieve any pressure that is inside
the unit. The gauge will then go to zero.
6. Connect your nitrogen supply. (Make sure the regulator on your supply tank is not set over
200 psi or damage to the unit may occur)
7. Connect the hoses to your tires. Press firmly and the quick release tire chucks will latch onto
your valve stems. You can do up to 4 tires at a time without adding additional hoses.
8. Make sure the valves on the manifold are in the “on” position for the tires you have
connected. Make sure the valves on any unused hoses are turned in the “off” position.
9. Push and hold the “Evacuate” lever. This will vacuum out all of the humid air that is in your
tires. You will see the tires start to collapse after about 20-60 seconds. How long you
evacuate is completely up to you, the unit has the capability to collapse the tires almost down
to the rim. (not recommended)
10. Once you have evacuated the tires push the “Inflate” lever. For best results we recommend
filling for 3-5 seconds, then repeating step 10 and 11 two more times.
11. Fill the tires to your recommended pressure by pressing the “Inflate” lever making sure to
stop every few seconds and check the pressure on the digital gauge so you do not over inflate
the tires.
12. Disconnect the hoses from your tires. Your tires have now been evacuated of moisture and
filled with clean, dry nitrogen