Mittler Bros Machine & Tool G1 User Manual

Generation 1 shock rebuild instructions

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Generation 1 Shock Rebuild Instructions

1. Remove valve core from shock using removal tool (part #22460).
2. Place shock with the gas port end in the shock jaws (part #75570) in a vice

sticking straight up.

3. Pull the shaft all the way out.
4. Place drip cup (part # 75565) on the body to catch any oil.
5. Remove bleed screw from shaft guide.
6. Unscrew shaft guide out of shock body using wrench (part # 75575).
7. Dispose of old oil from inside the shock body.
8. Screw inflation adapter (part # 75580) into shock.
9. Wrap a rag around the open end of the shock body covering the opening.
10. Using low powered compressed air (30 psi) press the chuck onto the

inflation adapter. This will cause the black separator piston to eject from the
open end of the shock into the rag you have wrapped around it.

11. Once the separator piston is out of the shock, remove and replace the o-ring

with the one supplied in the rebuild kit (part # 75642).

12. Re-install the separator piston back into the shock body pressing it all the

way to the top of the shock with the hollow end sticking out toward the open
end of the shock.

13. Install new valve core supplied with the kit.
14. Clamp the shaft assembly into the shock jaws and remove the nut using the

inside of your shock wrench or a regular 7/16” wrench.

15. Remove the washers, piston and shaft guide assembly from the shaft.
16. Place the shaft guide in the vice with the brass bushing sticking up.
17. Remove the o-ring on the outside of the shaft guide and replace with the one

supplied in the rebuild kit.

18. If your shaft guide brass bushing is held in with a button head screw

continue to step 19. If it has a slot cut in the top skip to step 23.

19. Remove the button head screw.