HOUNO Visual Cooking I BPE User Manual

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BPE - ver. 1.20 – Sept. 05


Fully automatic cleaning system that should be used every day. You choose between levels 1, 2, 3
and 4 and possibly additional detergent depending on how soiled the oven chamber is. The last
thing you do before turning off the light in the evening is activating CombiClean. When the
program is finished, the computer automatically switches to an energy-saving standby function.

Set time and date and choose program. Activate timer and turn off oven. The oven automatically
starts with the preselected values and program.

Fan speed
Possibility to change from high to low fan speed. In most of the programs, the fan speed is preset at
high. In several modes, the fan speed is “locked” and, consequently, cannot be changed.
High fan speed offers maximum distribution of heat in the oven chamber and is therefore
recommended for all kinds of ordinary roasting, braising and grilling of meat, vegetables and fish.

Low fan speed is recommended for low-temperature and long-time roasting. Add 1 or 2 minutes for
every 30 minutes of preparation time.

From the factory, the exhaust is closed in all operating modes. However, in PROVING,
STEAMING and CLIMAOPTIMA, the exhaust mode and the fan speed are computer-controlled.
When the exhaust is open, humidity and excess heat, if any, is automatically sucked out of the oven

Manual humidity pulsing
Can only be activated in HOT AIR. Adds humidity to the oven chamber. Very suitable for bread
dough, delicate pastry, breaded products, etc. Can be set for automatic dosing (choose submenu in
manual working menu before start).