Description of modes – HOUNO Visual Cooking I BPE User Manual

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BPE - ver. 1.20 – Sept. 05


Hot air
The hot air operating mode can be used for roasting, grilling, baking and gratinating. We
recommend that you keep the exhaust open when roasting products at very high temperatures. It is
possible to roast breaded products such as breaded fish and breaded pork chops. For maximum
effect, use enameled cast iron trays / silicone-coated baking sheets and one of the special browning
fats available in the shops.

ClimaOptima offers you the possibility of adding humidity of up to 100% to the oven chamber. The
computer automatically maintains the desired humidity content by adding or removing humidity. If
in doubt, use one of the 65 preset programs. The following are recommended temperatures:
Traditional roasting of meat

0 - 20%

225 – 250°C

Long-time roasting 1

30 - 50%

160 - 180°C


50 - 70%

Delta-T / 80°C

Fried vegetables

50 - 80%

170 - 190°C

Pâté, terrine, etc.

40 – 70%

120 - 160°C

Quick reduction of the heat in the oven chamber with the oven door open or closed. If the door is
closed, water is used to speed up the cooling mode. Only the temperature can be set. The oven stops
when the desired temperature is reached.
It is recommended to set the cooling function at 20°C below the required working temperature, as
the thorough insulation and strong steel structure help keep the oven chamber hot.

If the oven is cold, 10 – 15 minutes’ preheating is recommended depending on the oven model
Preheating is extremely important in the case of products that require a high initial temperature, or
in the case of programs in which the core temperature functions are not used.
HOUNÖ recommends preheating at a temperature which is 20 - 30°C higher than the desired
working temperature, as approx. 30% of the heat is lost when the oven is loaded.

Regenerating is a very gentle process. The preset values are suitable for dished arranged on plates,
with a temperature of +3°C.
Use a core temperature probe to reach the perfect end temperature.
For the reheating of sous-vide products, etc., follow the recommendations of the producer as to

Multipoint core temperature probe
One core temperature probe is standard while core temperature probe No. 2 is an optional extra. The
temperature probe has several measuring points from the tip of the sensor and upwards.
The computer calculates an average temperature thus ensuring that the core temperature is 100%
If the probe is inserted incorrectly, the advanced technology compensates for this and notifies you.
The probe is inserted vertically in the thickest part of the product.
When preparing products of very different sizes, you get a uniform quality by inserting the sensor in
the smallest product and then moving it to a larger product when the core temperature alarm sounds.

Description of modes