HOUNO CombiWash rinse aid User Manual
Combiwash rinse aid

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CombiWash Rinse Aid
Material Safety Data Sheet
according to 1907/2006/EC
This International MSDS is for information only. It does not meet all applicable regulatory
requirements and does not replace the relevant statutory data sheet for your country.
Product and company identification
Brand name: CombiWash Rinse Aid
Application: Rinsing agent for combi ovens
Supplier: HOUNÖ A/S, Alsvej 1, DK-8940 Randers SV
Webseite: www.houno.com
Tel.: +45 87 11 47 11 – Fax: +45 87 11 47 10
Emergency information: In case of emergency, seek medical advice immediately. Show
the label and this safety data sheet where possible.
Contact local operating company.
Hazards identification
Non-dangerous according to the classification systems of the relevant EU guidelines.
Hazards for man and the environment: Void.
Classification system:
The classification complies with current EC regulations on dangerous substances and
Composition / Information on ingredients
Chemical characterization
Mixture in water of non-dangerous ingredients and the substances listed below.
Hazardous ingredients:
77-92-9 citric acid
< 5%
Xi; R 36
EINECS: 201-069-1
Ingredients according to EC regulation:
Non-ionic surfactants
< 5 %
Additional information:
The full text of the relevant risk phrases is given in section 16.
First aid measures
General information: No special measures required.
Inhalation: No special measures required.
Skin contact: No special measures required.
Eye contact: Wash immediately with copious amounts of water.
Rinse mouth and drink one or two glasses of water (or milk).
If the symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
Fire fighting measures
Suitable extinguishing media
CO2, extinguishing powder or water jet. Fight larger fires with water jet or alcohol-resistant
Protective equipment: No special measures required.