Shutting down or restarting the server – Apple MAC PRO for 3X108 User Manual
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To set log preferences:
In Server Diagnostics Mac OS X, choose AppleServerDiagnostics > Preferences.
To automatically save test logs, select “Auto-save test log.”
If you don’t select this option, you can’t perform the steps that follow.
To choose the location of the automatically saved log, click “Choose auto-save
location,” select a location, and then click Open.
Configure the test log naming options.
To do this
Do this
Ensure newly created log files don’t overwrite old
log files
Select “Use unique name.”
Append the Ethernet address of the server that’s
being tested
Select “Append Ethernet Address.”
Append the run time and date of the session’s
first tests
Select “Append time and date.”
Shutting Down or Restarting the Server
If you’re running Server Diagnostics Mac OS X on the local server or on a host
computer, you can shut down or restart the server by clicking Shut Down or Restart.
If the server is in client mode, you can’t shut down or restart the server locally.
Quitting Server Diagnostics Mac OS X While a Test Is Running
If you try to quit Server Diagnostics Mac OS X while a test is running, you can’t print
or save logs from the current Server Diagnostics session. Make sure you print or save
critical logs before quitting.
Instead of quitting in the middle of a test, you can stop the current test, print or save
logs, and then quit.
Chapter 4
Using Server Diagnostics