Chapter 2: setup and installation, Setup and installation – Apple MAC PRO for 3X108 User Manual

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Before you can run Server Diagnostics, you must set up your

testing environment and install Server Diagnostics.

Make sure you meet Server Diagnostics requirements before attempting setup
and installation. For information, see “Requirements” on page 9.

Server Diagnostics EFI is preinstalled on the server. The instructions in this chapter
show you how to install Server Diagnostics in a different location or set up
a NetBoot server.

Setting Up a Storage Device for Server Diagnostics


To set up an internal volume or portable storage device for Server Diagnostics
installation, you need at least 100 MB of available space for Server Diagnostics EFI
or at least 10 GB of available space for Server Diagnostics Mac OS X, which requires
installing Mac OS X Server. These requirements are described in detail in “Storage
Device Requirements
” on page 9.

If you’re installing Server Diagnostics Mac OS X on a volume, the storage device should
use the GUID Partition Table partition map scheme.

To view the storage device’s partition map scheme, open Disk Utility and select the
storage device. Make sure you select the storage device and not a volume within the
storage device.

At the bottom of the Disk Utility window, Partition Map Scheme should be GUID
Partition Table.

To repartition an in-use storage device, run Disk Utility from the Mac OS X Install DVD
or the Mac OS X Server Install DVD or run Disk Utility while your server is connected to
another computer and is in target disk mode. These methods erase the contents of
your server’s hard disk and require you to reinstall and reconfigure Mac OS X Server.


Setup and Installation