ROTHENBERGER ROWELD P250-630 B Plus Premium CNC User Manual
Page 50

Put the heating element back in the storage case.
The welding process is ended after the cooling down time has expired, is stored, a signal
sounds and the pressure is dissipated automatically.
Conclude with use of the welding menu by pressing OK.
Dissipate the pressure completely by pressing the button (3).
Unclamp the welded work pieces and remove them.
Move the basic machine apart. The machine is ready for the next welding cycle.
Transferring the log:
In the Log menu item, these can be saved with OK, if a USB stick is connected. The window then
closes automatically.
This report file should be processed using the ROTHENBERGER Dataline 2 software and a
All welding parameters can be found in the enclosed welding tables.
3.2.5 Putting out of operation
Use the button (6) to turn off the hydraulic unit.
Let the heating element cool or stow it in such a way that no adjacent materials
can be ignited!
Remove trimmer unit, heating plate and hydraulic unit mains plugs from power outlet and roll
up cables.
Transport and set the hydraulic unit only in a horizontal position. If it is set at an
angle, oil escapes from the vented plugs with the dipstick!
Disconnect and roll up hydraulic hoses.
Important! Protect couplings from damage and dirt!