Nikon D2X User Manual
Page 65

Taking Photographs—Image Quality and Size
Number of Exposures Remaining
The number of exposures remaining shown in the ex po sure count dis plays in the
con trol panel and viewfi nder is only an ap prox i ma tion. The number of compressed
NEF or JPEG im ag es that can be stored on a memory card de pends on the subject and
com po si tion of each photograph. In gen er al, the more de tailed the image, the larger
the re sult ing fi le and the fewer the images that can be stored.
Large- Capacity Memory Cards
When enough mem o ry re mains on the memory card to
record a thou sand or more pic tures at cur rent set tings,
the num ber of exposures re main ing will be shown in
thou sands, round ed down to the near est hun dred (e.g.,
if there is room for ap prox i mate ly 1,260 ex po sures, the
ex po sure count dis play will show 1.2 K).
d2—Maximum Shots (
The maximum number of photographs that can be taken in a single burst can be lim-
ited to any amount between one and thirty-fi ve.
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