Custom setting e1: flash sync speed setting, Custom setting e2: slowest speed when using flash – Nikon D2X User Manual

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Menu Guide—Custom Settings

Custom Setting e1: Flash Sync Speed Setting

This option controls fl ash sync speed. Options
range from ½


s (1/250, the default setting) and




s (1/60). To enable auto FP high-speed sync

when using an SB-800 or SB-600 Speedlight,
select 1/250 (Auto FP) (if an SB-800 or SB-600
is not attached when this option is selected, fl ash
sync speed will be set to ½


s). When the camera shows a shutter speed of



s in exposure mode P or A, Auto FP High-Speed Sync will be activated if

the actual shutter speed is faster than ½



Highlight e1 Flash sync speed in the second level of the CSM menu (


and press the multi selector to the right. Press the multi selector up or down
to highlight an option, then press to the right to make a selection.

Custom Setting e2: Slowest Speed When Using Flash

This option determines the slowest shutter speed
possible when using a fl ash in programmed auto
or aperture-priority auto exposure mode (in shut-
ter-priority auto or manual exposure mode, shutter
speeds can be set to values as slow as 30 s regard-
less of the setting chosen). Options range from




s (1/60, the default setting) and 30 s (30").

Highlight e2 Flash shutter speed in the second level of the CSM menu (

178) and press the multi selector to the right. Press the multi selector up or
down to highlight an option, then press to the right to make a selection.

Fixing Shutter Speed at the Flash Sync Speed Limit

To fi x shutter speed at the sync speed limit in shutter-priority auto or manual expo-
sure modes, select the shutter speed after the slowest possible shutter speed (30 s or

). An X will be displayed in the fl ash sync indicator in the top control panel.