Custom setting f7: disable shutter if no cf card – Nikon D2X User Manual

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Menu Guide—Custom Settings

Custom Setting f7: Disable Shutter If No CF Card

This option can be used to enable the shutter
re lease when no memory card is inserted in the
cam era. Note that when photographs are being
cap tured to a computer using Nikon Capture 4
Cam era Control, pho to graphs are not recorded to
the cam era mem o ry card and the shutter release
will be en abled re gard less of the setting chosen
for this option.

Highlight f7 No CF card? in the second level of the CSM menu (

178) and

press the multi selector to the right. Press the multi selector up or down to
highlight an option, then press to the right to make a selection.




Shutter-release button enabled even when no memory card is inserted.


(default) Shutter-release button disabled when no memory card is inserted.

Custom Setting f6: Setting Method for Buttons and Dials

This option allows adjustments that are normally
made by holding a button and rotating a com-
mand dial to be made by rotating the command
dial after the button is released. Highlight f6 But-
tons and dials
in the second level of the CSM
menu (

178) and press the multi selector to the

right. Press the multi selector up or down to highlight an option, then press
to the right to make a selection.





Changes to settings made by rotating command dial while button is held

Settings can be changed by rotating command dial after button is released.
To exit, press button again, press shutter-release button halfway, press




, ISO, QUAL, or WB button, or (except when No limit is select-

ed for Custom Setting c3 or optional adapter is used) wait for about 20 s.