Nikon D2X User Manual

Page 106

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Taking Photographs—Exposur


M: Manual

In manual exposure mode, you control both shutter speed and aperture.
Shut ter speed can be set to values between 30 s and




s, or the shutter

can be held open indefi nitely for a long time-exposure (

). Aperture can

be set to val ues between the minimum and maximum values for the lens.
Using the elec tron ic analog exposure display in the viewfi nder, you can adjust
exposure ac cord ing to shooting con di tions and the task at hand.

To take pho to graphs in manual exposure mode:


Press the

button and rotate the main

command dial until M is displayed in the view-
fi nder and top control panel.


Rotate the main com mand dial to choose a shut ter speed, and the sub-

com mand dial to set aperture. Check exposure in the electronic an a log
ex po sure displays (see right), and con tin ue to adjust shut ter speed and
ap er ture until the de sired ex po sure is achieved.


Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot.

Long Time-Exposures

At a shutter speed of

, the shutter will remain open while the shutter-release

but ton is held down. Nikon recommends using a fully-charged EN-EL4 battery or an
optional EH-6 AC adapter to prevent loss of power while the shutter is open. Note that
if the shutter is open for more than approximately ½ s at any setting, “noise” in the
form of randomly-spaced, brightly-colored pixels may ap pear in the fi nal pho to graph.

AF Micro Nikkor Lenses

Provided that an external exposure meter is used, the exposure ratio need only be
taken into account when the lens aperture ring is used to set aperture.