Nikon D2X User Manual
Page 61

Taking Photographs—Image Quality and Size
The JPEG Compression Menu
The JPEG compression menu offers the following options for JPEG images:
Size priority
Optimal quality Optimal image quality. File size varies with scene recorded.
Images are compressed to produce relatively uniform fi le size.
Quality varies with scene recorded.
High light the de
sired op
tion and press the
multi se lec tor to the right. The shooting menu
will be displayed. The selected option takes
effect whenever image quality is set to NEF
(Raw) + JPEG Fine, NEF (Raw) + JPEG Nor-
mal, NEF (Raw) + JPEG Basic, JPEG Fine,
JPEG Normal, or JPEG Basic.
The effects of these options are most pronounced with large image sizes
48), high sensitivity (
52), complex scenes, image quality settings of
RAW+BASIC or BASIC, or heavy sharpening (
67). To choose an option:
Highlight JPEG compression in the shooting
menu (
166) and press the multi selector to
the right.
File Names
Photographs are stored as image fi les with names of the form “,”
where nnnn is a four-digit number between 0001 and 9999 as signed automatically
in ascending order by the camera, and xxx is one of the following three letter exten-
sions: “NEF” for NEF images, “TIF” for TIFF-RGB, “JPG” for JPEG im ag es, and “NDF”
for Dust Off ref photos (
217–218). The NEF and JPEG fi les recorded at a setting of
“NEF+JPEG” have the same fi le names but different extensions. Images recorded at a
Color space setting of AdobeRGB (
69) have names that begin with an underbar
(e.g., “_DSC0001.JPG”). The “DSC” portion of the fi le name can be changed using
the File Naming option in the shooting menu (