Nikon D2X User Manual

Page 255

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Technical Notes—Optional Accessories

f/2.8S, AF 35–70 mm f/2.8S, new AF 28–85 mm f/3.5–4.5S, or AF
28–85 mm f/3.5–4.5S lens at maximum zoom, in-focus indicator
may be displayed when image on matte screen in viewfi nder is not in
focus. Adjust focus manually until image in viewfi nder is in focus.

10 With maximum ap er ture of f/5.6 or fast er.
11 Some lenses can not be used (see below).
12 Range of rotation for Ai 80–200 mm f/2.8S ED tripod mount limited

by camera body. Filters can not be exchanged while Ai 200–400 mm
f/4S ED is mounted on camera.

13 If maximum aperture is specifi ed using Non-CPU lens data option

in shooting menu, aperture value will be displayed in viewfi nder and
top control panel.

14 Can be used only if lens focal length and maximum aperture are

specifi ed using Non-CPU lens data option in shooting menu. Use
spot or center-weighted metering if desired results are not achieved.

15 For improved precision, specify lens focal length and maximum

aperture using Non-CPU lens data option in shooting menu.

16 Can be used at in manual exposure modes at shutter speeds slower

than 1/125 s. If maximum aperture is specifi ed using Non-CPU
lens data
option in shooting menu, aperture value will be displayed
in viewfi nder and top control panel.

17 Exposure determined by presetting lens aperture. In aperture-prior-

ity auto exposure mode, preset aperture using lens aperture ring be-
fore performing AE lock or shifting lens. In manual exposure mode,
preset aperture using lens aperture ring and determine exposure
before shifting lens.

18 Exposure compensation required when used with AI 28–85 mm

f/3.5–4.5S, AI 35–105 mm f/3.5–4.5S, AI 35–135 mm f/3.5–4.5S,
or AF-S 80–200 mm f/2.8D. See teleconverter manual for details.

19 Requires PK-12 or PK-13 auto extension ring. PB-6D may be

required depending on camera orientation.

20 Use preset aperture. In manual exposure mode, set aperture us-

ing focusing attachment before determining exposure and taking

• PF-4 Reprocopy Outfi t requires PA-4 Camera Holder.

Incompatible Accessories and Non- CPU Lenses

The following accessories and non-CPU lenses can


be used with the D2X:

• Non-AI lenses
• Lenses that require the AU-1 focus-

ing unit (400 mm f/4.5, 600 mm f/5.6,
800 mm f/8, 1200 mm f/11)

• Fisheye (6 mm f/5.6, 8 mm f/8, OP 10 mm


• 21 mm f/4 (old type)
• K2 rings
• ED 180–600

mm f/8 (serial numbers


• ED 360–1200 mm f/11 (serial numbers


• 200–600

mm f/9.5 (serial numbers


• Lenses for the F3AF (80

mm f/2.8,

200 mm f/3.5, TC-16 Teleconverter)

• PC 28 mm f/4 (serial number 180900 or


• PC 35 mm f/2.8 (serial numbers 851001–


• PC 35 mm f/3.5 (old type)
• 1000 mm f/6.3 Refl ex (old type)
• 1000

mm f/11 Refl ex (serial numbers


• 2000

mm f/11 Refl ex (serial numbers


Compatible Non- CPU Lenses

If lens data are specifi ed using the Non-CPU lens data option in the shooting menu,
many of the features available with CPU lenses can also be used with non-CPU lenses.
If lens data are not specifi ed, color matrix metering can not be used, and center-
weighted metering is used when matrix metering is selected.

Non-CPU lenses can only be used in exposure modes A and M, when aperture must be
set using the lens aperture ring. If the maximum aperture has not been specifi ed using
Non-CPU lens data, the camera aperture display will show the number of stops from
maximum aperture; the actual aperture value must be read off the lens aperture ring.
Aperture-priority auto will be selected automatically in exposure modes P and S. The
exposure-mode indicator in the top control panel will blink, and A will be displayed in
the viewfi nder.