Nikon D2X User Manual
Page 34

oduction—First Steps
.1 Turn the camera off
Turn the camera off before attaching or
re mov ing lenses.
.2 Attach a lens
Keep ing the mounting mark on the lens
aligned with the mounting mark on the
cam era body, position the lens in the cam-
era’s bayonet mount. Being careful not to
press the lens-release button, ro tate the lens
counter-clockwise until it clicks into place.
.3 Lock aperture at the minimum setting
This step is not necessary if you are using a
type G lens not equipped with an aperture
ring. If you are using a lens of another type,
lock aperture at the minimum setting (high-
est f/-num ber).
If this step is omitted when attaching a CPU
lens, the ap
er ture dis
plays in the con
panel and viewfi nder will show a blinking
when the camera is turned on. Pho to -
graphs can not be taken until the cam era is
turned off and ap er ture locked at the high-
est f/-num ber.
Step 4—Attach a Lens
Nikon recommends using a type G or type D CPU lens to take full ad van tage
of the features the camera offers.
Type D lens
Type G lens
CPU lenses have CPU