6 ip configuration for internet access – Atlantis Land ISDN Router with 10/100 LAN port ATLMMR MNE01 User Manual
Page 17

One B Channel Only:
Two B Channels Only When Needed:
Always two B Channels:
Step 7: Select Data Service. Available options are Data Over Voice Channel, 64K , 56K , and Auto.
Recommended selection is Auto.
Step 8: Enter Remote Sub Address Number if necessary.
Step 9: Select STAC compression option.
Step 10: Set Idle Timeout number. The range is from 0 to 3600 seconds.
Step 11: Select Advice of Charge Support option and enter the Unit Price and Currency in the
corresponding blanks if the selection is Yes.
Step 12: Click OK to return to the main configuration screen and skip to next step. Otherwise click
Alternative Number if there is one or more alternative remote phone numbers. Enter the alternative
remote phone number in the corresponding blanks. Then press OK to return to the previous screen. Again
press OK to back to main configuration screen.
Step 13 Click Apply and Test
3.2.6 IP Configuration for Internet Access
Using IP options in the Menu Window, you can assign a public IP address to ISDN Router, modify the
private IP address, DNS addresses, and enable or disable DHCP.
Step 1: Select Internet Access with Advanced Configuration from ISDN Router Manager. Then click
IP from the Menu Window.
Step 2: The Advanced Internet Access Setup screen appears: