4 tower assembly, 5 utgnd tower grounding kit, Tower assembly – Campbell Scientific UT20 and UT30 Tower-based Weather Stations User Manual

Page 25: Utgnd tower grounding kit

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UT20 and UT30 Tower-based Weather Stations

7.1.4 Tower Assembly

1. Having previously installed the base and bottom tower section (Section

7.1.3, UTDUK Duckbill Guy Anchor), remove the bolt from the rear tower

leg, and loosen the bolt in the side legs so the bottom tower section is free

to hinge. Tilt the tower section to the ground and assemble the remaining

sections and mast using the hardware provided with the tower.

2. Install the guy wires to the top of the tower (FIGURE 7-10). Cut the 120-

foot piece of guy wire into three pieces; lengths will vary with slope.

Attach the guy wires to the tower using two U-bolts for each guy wire.

3. Mounting brackets and sensors that attach to upper tower sections are most

easily attached while the tower is lying on the ground.

4. “Walk” the tower to its upright position and install the remaining bolts in

the tower base.

5. Attach the guy wires to the anchors (FIGURE 7-11). Unscrew the jaw and

eye bolts until 1 inch of thread extends through the turnbuckle body.

Attach the jaw end of the turnbuckles to the anchors. While holding the

tower plumb, attach the guy wires to the eye end of the turnbuckles using a

thimble and two U-bolts for each guy wire. Tighten the turnbuckles until

the guy wires are snug and the tower is plumb. Do not overtighten the


7.1.5 UTGND Tower Grounding Kit

1. Drive the ground rod close to the tower (FIGURE 7-14) using a fence post

driver or sledgehammer. Drive the rod at an angle if an impenetrable

hardpan layer exists. In hard clay soils, a gallon milk jug of water can be

used to “prime” the soil and hole to make driving the rod easier.

2. Loosen the bolt that attaches the clamp to the ground rod. Insert one end

of the 4 AWG wire between the rod and the clamp and tighten the bolt

(FIGURE 7-12).

3. Attach the tower grounding clamp to a tower leg (FIGURE 7-13). Route

the 4 AWG wire attached to the ground rod up the tower leg to the

grounding clamp. Loosen the set screw and insert the 4 AWG wire and

the 24 AWG enclosure ground wire into the hole behind the set screw and

tighten the set screw. Route the green wire to where the enclosure will be
