Campbell Scientific UT20 and UT30 Tower-based Weather Stations User Manual
Instruction manual, Ut20 and ut30 tower-based weather stations
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Revision and Copyright Information
- Limited Warranty
- Assistance
- Precautions
- Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Cautionary Statements
- 3. Initial Inspection
- 4. Siting and Exposure
- 5. Overview
- 6. Specifications
- 7. UT20/UT30 Tower Installation
- 8. Preparing the Tower for Use
- 8.1 Enclosure, Datalogger, Power Supply
- 8.2 Sensor Connection
- 8.3 Communication and Data Storage Peripherals
- 8.4 Sealing and Desiccating the Enclosure
- 8.5 Sensor Installation
- 8.5.1 034B Met One Windset
- 8.5.2 05103, 05103-45, 05106, and 05305 RM Young Wind Monitors
- 8.5.3 03002 RM Young Wind Sentry Wind Set
- 8.5.4 Licor Silicon Radiation Sensors (LI200X, LI200S, LI190SB)
- 8.5.5 107/108 Temperature Probe
- 8.5.6 107/108 Soil Temperature Probe
- 8.5.7 HMP60 Vaisala Temperature and RH Probe
- 8.5.8 HC2S3 Rotronic Temperature and RH Probe
- 8.5.9 HMP155A Vaisala Temperature and RH Probe
- 8.5.10 CS100 or CS106 Vaisala Barometric Pressure Sensor
- 8.5.11 Texas Electronics Tipping Bucket Rain Gages (TE525, TE525WS, TE525MM)
- 8.5.12 TB4, TB4MM, or CS700 Rain Gage
- 8.5.13 SR50A Sonic Ranging Sensor
- 8.5.14 CS616 Water Content Reflectometer
- 8.5.15 237 Leaf Wetness Sensor
- 8.5.16 257 Soil Moisture Sensor
- 8.5.17 Enclosure Humidity Sensor
- 8.5.18 Wind Direction Sensor Orientation
- 9. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- 10. Standard Software Installation
- Appendix A. RFM18 Base Dimensions
- Campbell Scientific Companies