Campbell Scientific UT20 and UT30 Tower-based Weather Stations User Manual

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Table of Contents

8-12. You can configure any two types of interface ports (RS-485,

RS-232, and CS I/O) to be used at a time ...................................... 35

8-13. Enclosure Supply Kit ........................................................................ 36

8-14. Met One 034B Wind Speed and Direction Sensor ............................ 37

8-15. 05103 RM Young Wind Monitor ...................................................... 38

8-16. 03002 mounted to a CM200-series Crossarm ................................... 39

8-17. LI200X/LI200S/LI190SB and LI2003S Leveling Fixture ................ 40

8-18. 107 Temperature Probe ..................................................................... 41

8-19. HMP60 Temperature and RH Probe ................................................. 42

8-20. HC2S3 Rotronic Temperature and RH Probe ................................... 43

8-21. HMP155A Vaisala Temperature and RH Probe ................................ 44

8-22. TE525 Texas Electronics Rain Gage ................................................. 45

8-23. TB4 or TB4MM mounted onto a CM310 pole via the CM240

mount ............................................................................................. 46

8-24. Beam angle clearance ........................................................................ 47

8-25. Distance from edge of transducer housing to grill ............................. 48

8-26. SR50A mounted to a crossarm via the 19517 Mounting Kit ............. 48

8-27. The SR50A mounted to the crossarm shown from another angle ..... 49

8-28. SR50A - mounted using NU-RAIL and C2151 mounting stem ........ 49

8-29. CS650G Insertion Guide Tool ........................................................... 50

8-30. 237 Leaf Wetness Sensor .................................................................. 51

8-31. 257 Soil Moisture Sensor .................................................................. 52

8-32. CS210 installed on a CR1000 ........................................................... 53

8-33. Magnetic declination for the contiguous United States ..................... 54

8-34. Declination angles east of True North are subtracted from 360 to

get True North ................................................................................ 55

8-35. Declination angles west of True North are added to 0 to get True

North .............................................................................................. 55
