Campbell Scientific NL240 Wireless Network Link Interface User Manual
Page 63

Appendix C. NL240 Settings
Telnet Timeout
This setting, in units of seconds, will determine how fast the configuration
monitor telnet session will time out if no activity is detected. Set to 0 for no
time-out (not recommended). (range 0..999)
Ping (ICMP)
The NL240 will not respond to “Ping” requests if this setting is disabled.
PakBus Address
This setting specifies the PakBus® address for this device. The value for this
setting must be chosen such that the address of the device will be unique in the
scope of the datalogger network. Duplication of PakBus addresses in two or
more devices can lead to failures and unpredictable behavior in the PakBus
network. When a device has a neighbor list or neighbor filter setting filled in
for a port, any device that has an address greater than or equal to 4000 will be
allowed to connect to that device regardless of the neighbor filter.
PakBus/TCP Server Port
This setting specifies the TCP service port for PakBus® communications with
the datalogger. Unless firewall issues exist, this setting probably does not need
to be changed from its default value.
PakBus/TCP Password
Specifies the password that will be used to authenticate any incoming (server)
or outgoing (client) PakBus®/TCP sessions. This password is used by the
server to generate a challenge to any client that connects to the PakBus/TCP
server port. If the client fails to respond appropriately, the connection will be
terminated. If this password is blank (the default value), no such authentication
will take place.
PakBus/TCP Client Address (1-4)
This setting specifies the IP address of an outgoing PakBus®/TCP client
connection that the NL240 should maintain. If the connection fails, the NL240
will retry until the connection succeeds. No entry or a setting of
specifies that no client connection will be made.
PakBus/TCP Client Port (1-4)
This setting specifies the TCP port of the outgoing PakBus®/TCP client
connection. Typically, it is not necessary to change this entry from its default.
(range 1..65535)
PakBus Routes (read only)
This setting lists the routes that are known to the NL240. Each route known to
the NL240 will be represented by the following four components separated by
commas and enclosed in parentheses. The description of each component