C.5 net services tab – Campbell Scientific NL240 Wireless Network Link Interface User Manual
Page 62

Appendix C. NL240 Settings
number of the serial server is set. Typically, it is not necessary to change this
entry from its default. (range 1..65535)
SDC Address
Communication with the datalogger via the CS I/O port is done using SDC
(Synchronous Device Comms). The datalogger will address the devices with
which it wishes to communicate using an SDC address. The CS I/O port can
be configured to respond to SDC address 7, 8, 10, or 11.
CS I/O TCP Timeout
This setting, in units of seconds, will determine how fast the CS I/O serial
server will time out if no activity is detected. Set to 0 for no time-out (not
recommended). (range 0..999)
CS I/O PakBus Beacon Interval
This setting, in units of seconds, governs the rate at which the NL240 will
broadcast PakBus® messages on the associated port in order to discover any
new PakBus neighboring nodes. It will also govern the default verification
interval if the value of the Verify Interval setting for the associated port is zero.
CS I/O PakBus Verify Interval
This setting specifies the interval, in units of seconds, that will be reported as
the link verification interval in the PakBus® hello-transaction messages. It
will indirectly govern the rate at which the NL240 will attempt to start a hello
transaction with a neighbor if no other communication has taken place within
the interval.
CS I/O Modbus Timeout
This setting determines how long the MODBUS/TCP to MODBUS/RTU
gateway will wait for an answer from the MODBUS slave device(s) attached to
the CS I/O port. If no answer is received within the timeout period, the
MODBUS/TCP server will reply to the MODBUS/TCP client with error code
0x0B (Target Device Failed to Respond). (milliseconds)
C.5 Net Services Tab
Enables/Disables the telnet service.
Telnet Port Number
The default TCP port number for the configuration monitor telnet session is 23.
This entry makes it possible for the user to change the telnet session port
number if desired. Typically, it is not necessary to change this entry from its
default. (range 1..65535)