Campbell Scientific NL240 Wireless Network Link Interface User Manual

Page 13

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NL240 Wireless Network Link Interface

Ensure the NL240 is powered.

Connect the supplied USB cable between a USB port on your computer

and the USB port on the NL240.

Open DevConfig.


Device Type, select Network Peripheral | NL240.

Click the

Browse button next to Communication Port.

Select the virtual com port labeled






Click on the

Wi-Fi tab.

By default, the NL240 will attempt to connect to the strongest, unsecured

network available. This network will be shown in the

Status field. If this

is not the network you wish to connect to, press the browse button next to


SSID field. A dialog box showing all of the available wireless

networks will be displayed. Select the network you wish to connect to and


OK. If this is a secured network, enter the password in the

Password field.

Click on the

NL240 tab.

To enter a static IP address, select

disable in the Use DHCP field. Then

input the

IP Address, Network Mask, and Default Gateway. These

values can be provided by your network administrator.

If a dynamic address is to be used, the network information acquired via

DHCP can be seen on the

NL240 tab. (Note that if you have selected a

different network than the default network, you will need to press


to save this change, then press the

Connect button to reconnect to the

NL240 and view the network information.)


Apply to save your changes.

It is recommended that a static IP address be given to the NL240

for most applications so that the path to the device is always

known. If using a dynamic IP address acquired via DHCP, you

may wish to configure the NL240 as a PakBus/TCP client.