Campbell Scientific NL240 Wireless Network Link Interface User Manual
Page 57

Appendix C. NL240 Settings
Low Power Interval.” It will create the Ad hoc network and it will stay on
for the amount of time configured in the “Ad hoc Low Power On Time”
setting. Then it will power of the Wi-Fi for the remainder of the interval.
This means that if you wish to join the Ad hoc network with a smartphone
or some other device, you will notice that the network may not be
available until you wait for the programmed interval to elapse. Once you
see the network become available, join it. The NL240 should recognize
traffic on the network and keep Wi-Fi powered as long as the second
device remains connected to the network. If the device takes a moment to
join the network or it takes a moment to enter a password, the NL240 may
power the Wi-Fi down in the meantime. The smartphone should still be
able to join the network and then once the Interval elapses the NL240
should power up the Wi-Fi again at which point it will recognize that the
second device has joined the network and keep Wi-Fi powered for as long
as the second device remains connected.
The user is able to configure the amount of power savings that the device
may achieve in this mode by setting the Interval and On Time settings.
While a long interval will result in greater power savings, a shorter
interval will provide more convenience for a smartphone user trying to
join the network as he will have to wait for the Low Power Interval to
elapse in order for the network to be available. The device consumes
~0.6W while it has the Wi-Fi powered and the Ad hoc network available.
It consumes ~0.02W while the Wi-Fi is powered off.
If the “Ad hoc Low Power On Time” is greater than or equal to
the “Ad hoc Low Power Interval”, then the Wi-Fi will stay
powered always and the network will always be present regardless
of the Low Power Mode setting.
Ad hoc Low Power On Time (seconds)
This setting is applicable only if the device is configured to create an Ad hoc
network and the Low Power Mode is enabled. The device will periodically
power on and off the Wi-Fi module in an effort to conserve power when there
are no other devices in the area trying to connect to the network. The Power
on/off duty cycle is governed by the Ad hoc Low Power Interval and the Ad
hoc Low Power On Time. The device powers on the Wi-Fi module every
“Low Power Interval” seconds and keeps it on for “Low Power On Time”
Ad hoc Low Power Interval (seconds)
This setting is applicable only if the device is configured to create an Ad hoc
network and the Low Power Mode is enabled. The device will periodically
power on and off the Wi-Fi module in an effort to conserve power when there
are no other devices in the area trying to connect to the network. The Power
on/off duty cycle is governed by the Ad hoc Low Power Interval and the Ad
hoc Low Power On Time. The device powers on the Wi-Fi module every
“Low Power Interval” seconds and keeps it on for “Low Power On Time”