Introduction, Cautionary statements, Initial inspection – Campbell Scientific CNR4 Net Radiometer User Manual

Page 9: 1 ships with, Ships with, Cnr4 net radiometer

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CNR4 Net Radiometer

1. Introduction

The CNR4 is a research-grade net radiometer that measures the energy balance
between incoming and outgoing radiation. Our dataloggers measure the
CNR4’s output. This net radiometer offers a professional solution for
scientific-grade energy balance studies.

Before using the CNR4, please study:

• Section 2, Cautionary Statements

• Section 3, Initial Inspection

• Section 4, Quickstart

2. Cautionary Statements

• Although the CNR4 is rugged, it is also a highly precise scientific

instrument and should be handled as such.

• Care should be taken when opening the shipping package to not damage or

cut the cable jacket. If damage to the cable is suspected, consult with a
Campbell Scientific applications engineer.

• Do not attempt to rotate the instrument using the sensor heads, or you may

damage the sensors; use the mounting rod only.

3. Initial Inspection

• Upon receipt of the CNR4, inspect the packaging and contents for damage.

File damage claims with the shipping company.

• The model number and cable length are printed on a label at the

connection end of the cable. Check this information against the shipping
documents to ensure the correct product and cable length are received.

• Refer to the Ships With list to ensure that parts are included (see Section

3.1, Ships With).

3.1 Ships With

(2) 26006 Drying Cartridges
(1) WRR Traceable Calibration Certificate for the pyranometers
(1) WRR Traceable Calibration Certificate for the pyregeometers
(1) Mounting Arm from original manufacturer
(1) Extra Calibration Stickers from original manufacturer
(1) ResourceDVD