Campbell Scientific CNR4 Net Radiometer User Manual

Page 36

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CNR4 Net Radiometer

'CR5000 Series Datalogger

'CNR4 program
'This program measures CNR4 four-component net radiometer

'This program also measures the thermistor inside the CNR4
'User must enter the sensitivity values for all four probes in the program and save/compile

'prior to downloading it to the datalogger.
'Search for the text string "unique" to find places to enter the sensitivity values.

'Wiring Instructions

'1H CNR4 Pyranometer Upper signal (red)

'1L CNR4 Pyranometer Upper signal reference (blue)
'gnd jumper to 1L

'2H CNR4 Pyranometer Lower signal (white)
'2L CNR4 Pyranometer Lower signal reference (black)
'gnd jumnper to 2L

'3H CNR4 Pyrgeometer Upper signal (grey)
'3L CNR4 Pyrgeometer Upper signal reference (yellow)

'gnd jumper to 3L
'4H CNR4 Pyrgeometer Lower signal (brown)

'4L CNR4 Pyrgeometer Lower signal reference (green)
'gnd jumper to L


' CNR4 shield (clear)

'8L CNR4 thermistor signal (white)
'gnd CNR4 thermistor signal reference (black)

' CNR4 thermistor shield (clear)


'VX1 CNR4 thermistor voltage excitation (red)

'CNR4 sensor
Public logger_temp, batt_volt
Public cnr4(4)

Alias cnr4(1) = short_up
Alias cnr4(2) = short_dn
Alias cnr4(3) = long_up

Alias cnr4(4) = long_dn

Public cnr4_T_C



4 thermistor temperature in Celc

Public cnr4_T_K

'CNR4 thermistor temperature in Kelvin

Public long_up_cor


e correction


nwelling long-wave radiation with temperatur

Public long_dn_cor




elling long-wave radiation with temperature

Public Rs_net

'short-wave net radiation

Public Rl_net

'long-wave net radiation

Public albedo


Public Rn

'total net radiation

Units logger_temp degC


Units batt_volt = olts


Units short_up = W m^2


Units short_dn = W m^2


Units long_up = W/m^2

Units long_dn = W/m^2
Units cnr4_T_C = deg_C