Example 3, cr5000 program using differential, Measurements – Campbell Scientific CNR4 Net Radiometer User Manual

Page 35

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CNR4 Net Radiometer

'CNR4 thermistor measurement
BrHalf (Vs_Vx,1,mv5000,16,Vx1,1,2500,True ,0,250,1.0,0)

Rs = 1000*(Vs_Vx/(1-Vs_Vx))
cnr4_T_C = 1/(1.0295e-3+2.391e-4*LN(Rs)+1.568e-7*(LN(Rs))^3)-273.15

'Convert CNR4 temperature to Kelvin
cnr4_T_K = cnr4_T_C+273.15

'Correct the long-wave radiation values from pyrgeometers
long_up_corr = long_up+5.67e-8*cnr4_T_K^4
long_dn_corr = long_dn+5.67e-8*cnr4_T_K^4

'Compute short-wave net radiation

Rs_net = short_up - short_dn

'Compute long-wave net radiation

Rl_net = long_up - long_dn

'Compute albedo

albedo = short_dn/short_up

'Compute net radiation

Rn = Rs_net + Rl_net

CallTable cnr4_data

CallTable cnr4_ts



m Using Differential Measurements

ur differential channels to measure the four radiation

n channel, and one single-ended channel to measure the

easures the sensors every 1 second, performs the

a, and stores the following processed data to a data

ta once every 60 minutes. It also stores the raw time-series

data table called cnr4_ts.

The variables for the CR5000 datalogger can be up to 16

2.3 Example 3, CR5000 Progra

Example 3 requires fo
outputs, one excitatio
thermistor. The program m
online processing of the dat
table called cnr4_da
data from CNR4 to

characters in length. However, if the variable is processed in the

output type other than Sample, the name will

d in the datalogger to 12 characters, plus an

nd a 3 digit suffix indicating the output type (for

example, _avg, _max).

output table by an
be truncate
underscore a

Minimum battery voltage

Sample datalogger panel temperature

tion (pyranometer up)
tion (pyranometer down)

Average long-wave radiation (pyrgeometer up)

long-wave radiation (pyrgeometer down)

Average CNR4 thermistor temperature (degrees C)

Average CNR4 thermistor temperature (Kelvin)


Average short-wave net radiation

Average long-wave net radiation






Average short-wave radia

Average short-wave radia


Average corrected long-wave radiation (pyrgeometer up)

Average corrected long-wave radiation (pyrgeometer dow