2 tripod parts, 3 tripod installation – Campbell Scientific CM6/CM10 Tripod Weather Station Installation User Manual

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Section 2. CM6/CM10 Tripod Installation

2.2 Tripod Parts

Tripods are either shipped complete and mostly assembled (CM6 or CM10), or
as a kit that requires the user to supply some parts (CM10K).

If a preassembled CM6 or CM10 Tripod was ordered, the following parts
should have been received:

(1) Tripod Base Assemble
(1) Mast Assembly
(1) Cross Arm Mount (Short Pipe)
(1) Lightning Rod with Clamp
(1) Grounding Rod with Clamp
(1) 5 ft 4 AWG Wire
(1) 4 ft 12 AWG Wire
(3) Hold Down Stakes
(12) Cable Ties

If the CM10K Tripod Kit was received, first assemble the tripod base assembly
and mast assembly according to Section 1 in the CM10K Tripod Kit Manual.

The following items are also part of the CM10K Tripod Kit:

(1) Cross Arm Mount (Short Pipe)
(1) Lightning Rod with Clamp
(1) Grounding Rod with Clamp

The following items need to be procured to complete the CM10K Tripod Kit:

(1) 5 ft 4 AWG Wire
(1) 4 ft 12 AWG Wire
(3) Hold Down Stakes
(12) Cable Ties

2.3 Tripod Installation

CM6 and CM10 tripods are designed to allow installation in many types of
terrain. The following installation instructions, however, assume an
installation on flat and reasonably level ground.

1. Prepare the area where the tripod will be installed. In most installations,

the tripod requires an area 9 feet (CM6) or 12 feet (CM10) in diameter.
Natural vegetation and the ground surface should be disturbed as little as
possible, but brush and tall weeds should be removed.

2. Lay the tripod base and mast assemblies on the ground. Apply pipe dope

or Teflon tape to threads on the crossarm mount (short pipe) and the 1 1/4
inch end of the mast. To prevent cross-threading, hand thread the
crossarm mount into the mast’s bell reducer and then tighten with a pipe
wrench. Hand thread the mast into the threaded coupling on the tripod
center bracket and then tighten with a pipe wrench.

3. Using a tape measure and a felt-tipped pen, mark the tripod legs to

indicate how far they should extend. From the end of the 3/4” pipe that
