Campbell Scientific AM25T 25-Channel Solid State Multiplexer User Manual

Page 13

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AM25T Solid State Multiplexer

is greater than 1, the Dest parameter must be a variable array. If 0 is entered,
the only measurement that is made is the reference temperature measurement.

Range: The Range parameter is the expected voltage range of the input from
the sensor. An alphanumeric or the numeric code can be entered.

The range code options depend on the datalogger used. For example, the range
codes for the CR1000 are as follows:

Alphanumeric Numeric Description
mV5000 0 +5000 mV
mV2500 1 +2500 mV
mV250 2 +250 mV
mV25 3 +25 mV
mV7_5 4 +7.5 mV
mV2_5 5 +2.5 mV


mV2_5 to mV5000; datalogger tests for and
uses most suitable range

mV250C 20 +250 mV, checks for open input
mV25C 30 +25 mV, checks for open input
mV7_5C 40 +7.5 mV, checks for open input
mV2_5C 50 +2.5 mV, checks for open input


mV2_5 to mV5000; datalogger tests for and
uses most suitable range, checks for open input

Refer to the CRBasic help for range code options available for your

AM25TChan: The AM25TChan parameter specifies the starting input channel
for the multiplexer. If the Reps parameter is greater than 1, the additional
measurements will be made on sequential channels. If the channel is entered as
a negative number, all reps occur on the same channel.

DiffChan: The DiffChan argument is the number of the differential channel to
which the first AM25T is connected.

TCType: The TCType argument is used to identify the type of thermocouple
being measured. An alphanumeric or numeric code can be entered. Entering a
-1 records a voltage, in millivolts, instead of a thermocouple temperature.

Alphanumeric Numeric Type


Outputs a voltage, in millivolts

TypeT 0 Copper


TypeE 1 Chromel


TypeK 2 Chromel


TypeJ 3 Iron


TypeB 4 Platinum


TypeR 5 Platinum


TypeS 6 Platinum


TRef: The TRef argument is the name of the variable which holds the result of
the reference temperature measurement.