References list of figures, List of tables – Campbell Scientific 229 Water Matric Potential Sensor and CE4/CE8 User Manual

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229 Sensor Table of Contents


9. References


List of Figures

1-1. 229 Heat Dissipation Matric Water Potential Sensor and Hypodermic

Assembly............................................................................................. 1

1-2. CE4 and CE8 Current Excitation Modules............................................. 2
1-3. Typical Temperature Response of 229 Sensor in Silt Loam Soil ........... 3
4-1. Schematic of Connections for Measurement of a 229 Sensor ................ 6
6-1. Data Points and Regression for Typical Calibration ............................ 20
6-2. Measurement error for range of soil temperatures and wide range of

matric potential.................................................................................. 22

6-3. Measurement error for range of soil temperatures and wetter range of

matric potential.................................................................................. 23

6-4. Datalogger and Peripheral Connections for 229 Calibration................ 26

List of Tables

4-1. 229 Sensor and CE4/CE8 Wiring........................................................... 5
5-1. Wiring for Four 229s with CR1000 and CE4......................................... 9
5-2. 229 Sensor and CE4 Wiring with CR1000 and AM16/32-series ......... 11
5-3. 229 Sensor and CE4/CE8 Wiring with CR10XTCR............................ 13
5-4. 229 Sensor and CE4/CE8 Wiring with AM16/32 Multiplexer............. 16