5 example #1 — cr1000 with ce4 and four 229s – Campbell Scientific 229 Water Matric Potential Sensor and CE4/CE8 User Manual
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229 Heat Dissipation Matric Water Potential Sensor
5.5 Example #1 — CR1000 with CE4 and Four 229s
Table 5-1 shows wiring information for reading four 229 sensors with a
CR1000 datalogger and CE4 current excitation module.
TABLE 5-1. Wiring for Four 229s with CR1000 and CE4
229 #1Blue
229 #1 Green
Channel 1
229 #1Red
229 #1 Black
229 #2Blue
229 #2 Green
Channel 2
229 #2Red
229 #2 Black
229 #3Blue
229 #4 Green
Channel 3
229 #3Red
229 #3 Black
229 #4Blue
229 #4 Green
Channel 4
229 #4Red
229 #4 Black
229 #1 Clear
229 #2 Clear
229 #3 Clear
229 #4 Clear
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