MagTek 99875125 User Manual
Page 2

, Inc.
Printed in the United States of America
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any
purpose, without the express written permission of MagTek, Inc.
MagTek is a registered trademark of MagTek, Inc.
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Date Notes
20 Nov 98
Initial Release
16 Feb 99
Sec 1: Editorial comments for clarification; Sec 2: Added c_wr_secure
and trks 1, 2, and 3; Sec 3: Editorial comments for clarification;
Appendix A: Added MT-85 and clarified tables; Appendix D: Added
c_wr_secure and tks 1, 2, and 3 and MT-85 Encoder sheet.
27 Apr 99
Global: Changed names of Mt-211 and MT-215 to port powered
readers; Sec 3: Added card insertion note to event; Sec 4: Added this
section, Data Parsing. Appendix A: Changed file names. Appendix D.
Changed names.
21 Oct 99
Sec 1: added: part numbers of media, special commands, MICR
material; Sec 2: changed properties table; Sec 3: added errors 45 and
60 to write command; Sec 4: added descriptions to language format;
updated default formats; Sec 5: replaced Visual Basic example;
Appendix A; Completely revised; Appendix D: added applied_fmt to all
14 Dec 99
Appendix A: Added statement about "Long File Names" under "Adding
MagTek Device Drivers" General Notes number 4; added statement to
"Completing the Installation" about sharing a single port; Edited
"Removing the Drivers"; added "Configuration Examples of NT Drivers."
Appendix D: Under IntelliPIN PINPad and MSR, added statement under
Remarks about IntelliPIN driver; under MiniWedge MSR added
statement about ASCII and Character Conversion.
30 Nov 01
Editorial changes throughout and added Software Version MTD 1.10,
which includes Windows ME/2000/XP.
14 Oct 03
Engineering upgrade to Software Version 1.12. Added ISO logo, Tech
Support phone number, and Software License and removed Limited
Warranty. Editorial throughout.
1 Oct 04
Updated to MTD 1.13 software release including Automated Installation
Feature (Appendix A). Removed references to Windows 95.