Interacting with the device – MagTek 99875125 User Manual

Page 15

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Section 1. Overview

'set error handling
On Error Resume Next

‘open the port for binary access
Open “\\.\micr+” For Binary Access Read Write As #1
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
End If
on error goto 0


The friendly name of the device, as found in the operating system’s
device UI (Device Manager in Windows 98, for example), must be
prefixed with “


” in order to open the device. If the previous

example did not have the prefix, it would create a file named


in the current directory–clearly not the desired result.

Interacting with the device

An application interacts with the device by sending commands to the device and reading its
responses. Commands are sent by writing to the opened port and responses from the device or
property requests are retrieved by reading from the port.

To interact with the device using the MSComm component, invoke a command by assigning it to


property. The response is received by MSComm’s


event handler

as a


event or by directly polling the port. The entire response to a command or

property request is received as a single event.

'submit echo command
Comm.Output = "/echo Hello" + Chr$(10)

Private Sub Comm_OnComm()
‘return if not a receive event
If Comm.CommEvent = comEvReceive Then
‘process received data
a$ = Comm.Input ‘get echo data
End If
End Sub

If using file I/O access, interaction with the device is indistinguishable from writing to or reading
from a file.