Videotec SM82A User Manual
Page 58

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MNVCSM42A_0408 Manual mode
Manual mode should be chosen when pan & tilt cameras are not present or when the telemetry receivers are
directly controlled by the keyboards:
In this example M1 is the master monitor, M2 the public monitor.
Fixed camera C frames the public monitor.
In this example keyboard K directly controls receiver R to move
camera C.
The video input is excluded when a camera is selected, on the master monitor, by direct selection or using the
To return to normal status, request activation of the switching sequence on the master monitor (
key). Telemetry mo de
Telemetry mode should be chosen when the receivers are controlled via the switcher/matrix:
In this example M1 is the master monitor, M2 the public monitor.
Pan & tilt camera C frames the public monitor.
Exclusion is activated when keyboard number 1 (called master) controls video receiver R associated with a
video input, both via the Aux line of the switcher/matrix and by coax transmission.
In this mode it is possible to make manual selection of the video inputs on the master monitor without activating
exclusion until the first telemetry message is transmitted.
Pressing the
key restores normal operating mode.
The operator is responsible for repositioning the pan & tilt appropriately before restoring normal operation.