High Country Tek emc-1V User Manual
Page 23
Part No:-
021-00351 Rev 1.0
emc-1P & emc-1V e-Fan System Controller User Guide
Page 23
e-Fan Cooling System Controllers
with J1939 Interface
General Settings
Selection Tab ->
On each tab changes must be ‘Applied’ to take effect. Cancel will restore values.
Unit Settings
Unit Disabled
The controller is shipped in a disabled state and should be enabled by the OEM or user by using the GUI.
Once this button is selected, the date from the enabling PC is taken and used as the ‘Born Date’ when
warranty starts.
Alarm Active High
This sets the default state of the alarm output to allow normally OFF or normally ON devices to be driven.
When enabled, the output is HIGH when alarm condition exists and LOW with NO alarm condition.
Retry Alarm and Reverse Shorts
If not checked
and a short is detected on the Alarm output or the Reverse Indicator output, the software
will stop driving that circuit until a power cycle. Thus preventing damage to external hardware from high
current or overheating. This does not affect fan control.
Temperature Units
This setting selects either degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Centigrade and ripples through all the settings
that deal with temperature.