3 - updating the driver, 4 - uninstalling the driver – HighPoint RocketRAID 2240 User Manual

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Step 4 Configure System to Mount Volumes during Startup

The system can be instructed to automatically mount the array(s) during startup by

modifying the file”/etc/fstab”.

For example, add the following line to tell the system to mount /dev/sda1 to location /

mnt/raid after startup:

/dev/sda1 /mnt/raid ext3 defaults 0 0

3 - Updating the Driver


If the original driver is installed in the system’

s initrd (Initial RAM Disk) file

(when using a system installed to RR2240 controller, for example), the driver

module in the initrd file should be updated using the mkini trd command (or

extract the initrd file and replace the driver module manually).


If the original driver is installed in the /lib/modules/‘

uname –r‘


scsi/ directory, and loaded by the script file (Example /etc/init.d/hptdriver) during

the init process, or the configure file (Example /etc/modules.conf), please replace

it with the new driver (hptmv6.ko).

4 - Uninstalling the Driver

To uninstall the RocketRAID 2240 driver

Note: The driver cannot be uninstalled while the system is booted from a disk or array

attached to the RocketRAID 2240.

To uninstall the driver, remove the lines added to /etc/fstab, and remove the files

created in the /etc/init.d directory.

Linux Driver Support
