PortaTree Asphalt Tracks User Manual
Page 3

Note: Unless ordered, only a 6 foot cable is included with the printer.
16) Before connecting the computer, power up the interface box by connecting the red wire to
Positive and the brown wire to ground 12 Volts D.C., an AC to DC Converter can be used but it must
have a minimum of 2 amps of supply current. We recommend a well charged well maintained
automotive battery.
Note: 1) Do not power up the Portatree Professional Computer until all tree and track
connections are properly attached to the SUB D connectors.
2) Do not use the small transformer to power up the Portatree Professional in conjunction
with the interface box. The interface box will power up the Portatree Professional.
After powering up the interface box, you will have power to all of your detectors but the pre-stage and
stage lights on the Christmas Tree will not work until the computer is connected. You can align all of
the detectors by sweeping left/right and up/down. The Red L.E.D. will illuminate when the detector is
aligned. Read the literature on the banner units to efficiently align them. They may require sensitivity
adjustment. All reflector type banner units should be aligned on center of the target so that they will be
perfectly aligned. Half of the target should be able to be covered before the L.E.D. on the top of the unit
goes out. If the target has to fully be covered to make the L.E.D. go out then it is set too sensitive. It
must go out when half or a little more than half of the target is blocked. Adjustment can be made by
removing the adjustment access plug and turning the adjustment screw with a very small screwdriver.
18) The computer can be connected after the detectors are all working. Disconnect the 12 Volt
power to the interface box and then plug the two 25 PIN SUB D Connectors into their respective
positions. Power up the interface box. Read the manual and watch the video on the Portatree
Professional Computer operation. Set the computer accordingly. Press “C” for competition and the
stage lights on the tree will work.
19) Now the Starting Line can be set up using the pre-stage and stage lights on the Christmas
tree. Use the Portatree video to understand how rollout is set and build a rollout wheel to set the rollout.
After the rollout is set and the detectors are securely fastened, we must limit the field of vision of at least
the stage detectors so that unwanted reflections will not affect their performance. This is done by
locating 1 inch steel pipes - - 24 inches long between the stage detector and the emitter at the edge of the
track. Position the pipe so that the Red L.E.D. on back of the banner receiver stays on and is unaffected
by the pipe. Only the receivers need this protection. A bracket must be made to fix the pipe in position.
You can do the same to the pre-stage, but it is not necessary. In any event, you must keep the detectors
out of the direct sunlight and you must keep them out of heavy moisture conditions.
All detectors must have covers over them to keep them out of the weather and to keep the sun
from directly contacting them. The starting line takes a lot of time to set up correctly so you may want
to permanently fix them and place a rigid steel cover over them.
TEL# 508-278-2199 Ext: 508 or FAX# 278-5887
Email: [email protected]