Pop & Lock PL9000 User Manual

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Pop N Lock/ Load N Lock

(All wire color information is for reference only and may vary by vehicle)

Please verify with a test light

If you have trouble locating the lock and unlock wires, test all the wires with a test light that are inside the rubber boot that runs between the

door and the cab of the truck to find correct wire colors.

To Test With a Test Light: Ground the test light to good conducting ground and probe the wire to be tested by
piercing the wire case to connect to the copper wire inside. Hit the lock button to see if the test light lights up. If so
this is the lock wire. Do the same with the unlock wire to verify the correct wire.

Note 1:
If the wiring is connected in the driver's side kick panel, the Handle will lock/unlock with the driver's door. If you
prefer the Handle to lock/unlock with the passenger door, on some models the wiring may be connected into the
passenger side kick panel using the same color wiring. If the same colors can’t be found, use a test light to find the
passenger side colors.
Note 2:
On the CHEVY/GMC 03+ Two door or Extended Cab Models (if not using a relay harness) it is necessary to
remove the driver’s side door panel and attach the lock and unlock wires directly to the wires of the door lock
actuator inside the door.
Once the door panel is removed, you will need to remove the driver’s side kick panel and fish the harness wires
through the rubber boot that runs between the door and the cab of the truck and into the door. Use the supplied Wire
Taps to attach to the specified wires directly under the truck’s door lock switch and test the locks. If the truck locks
operate opposite the lid lock, reverse the leads connected.
Note 3:
Some 04 Toyota Tundra models used blue/white instead of pink/black for the lock wire and black/yellow instead of
red/orange for the unlock wire.
Note 4:
Make sure the key is out of the ignition when testing this model; as the doors will automatically unlock when trying
to lock.
Note 5:
If you have trouble locating the lock and unlock wires, test all the wires that are inside the rubber boot that runs
between the door and the cab of the truck. Once you locate them you can follow them to a location that makes
tapping to the wires easier. This works on most models except 03+ G.M.
Note 6:
On the Honda Ridgeline the lock and unlock wires are located in the fuse panel down by the driver’s side kick panel.
The yellow/black(lock) and the yellow/green(unlock) wires are in the small green plug that is located at the bottom
front side of the fuse box. A small hole may need to be drilled in the side of the bed rail near the top rear on the
driver’s side of the bed to access the rear tail light compartment to attach the brake light and power lock wiring.
Note 7:
On the 07+ Double Cab Tacoma the lock wire is located in the 10 pin plug, pin#9, Blue/Black wire. The unlock wire
is located in the 12 pin plug, pin#10, Blue/Red wire; both plugs are hanging loose in the driver side kick panel.
Note 8:
On the Ford 09+ crew cabs the lock/unlock wires are located under the drivers side sill plate (the plate you step on
when getting in and out of the truck). The wires run from the driver’s side front door to the driver’s side rear door.
Gray/Brown for Lock and Purple/Gray for unlock, there are multiple and different size purple /gray wires – use the
largest gauge.
Note 9:
On some models the factory keyless system may be programmed to re-lock the truck doors after 1 or 5 minutes if the
truck is unlocked and the door are not physically opened. Please refer to the user’s manual or contact your local
dealer if you require a change to the factory programming.

Please visit for the latest wiring Info.

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