Appendix a – Nitrous Express DRAG-SPORTSMAN N2O User Manual

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Davis Technologies TM-Drag-Sportsman-MAP V3 2010

Another advantage of these systems is that they are
actually able to detect wheel slip better than most
wheel speed sensor based systems. The reason for
this is that our systems monitor the rotation of the
driveline. With 8 triggers on the driveline you can
measure slip within 1/8 of a rotation. Now factor in a
5:1 final drive (rear end)
ratio and tire rotation can be
measured within 1/40 of a turn (that is about 2-3
inches on most tires). The fact that the driveline is
turning much faster than the wheels, amplifies the
slip at the driveline, making these systems much
more sensitive than the typical wheel speed
systems. Put simply, if the tires slip the driveline
revs. The only reason for the sudden increases in
revs in the driveline is wheel spin.

Appendix A

Sensor based systems usually measure tire rotation
about every 1/4 of a turn. The front and rear are
compared to each other to check for slip. With a
margin of error of 1/4 of a turn at each wheel, it may
take as much as 1/2 of a turn of tire slip for the
system to react. If a tire is allowed to slip a half a
turn before a correction is made, it is very hard to
stop the slip.

A system that uses a preset percentage of slip,
between the rear wheel speed to front wheel (or
ground) speed, cannot compensate for these
changing conditions that are inherent in all types of