Tuning – Nitrous Express DRAG-SPORTSMAN N2O User Manual
Page 12

Davis Technologies TM-Drag-Sportsman-MAP V3 2010
Rate Control Parameters:
Different tracks, cars, conditions, etc. may require
different settings for the system to function
effectively. The dial on the unit is used for this
setting. The values are referred to as Threshold.
The Drag-Sportsman incorporates a patented
method to control wheel spin where the users sets a
Threshold of acceleration that if exceeded will cause
the timing to retard.
The sensitivity of the system is adjusted using the
Threshold dial. The Threshold controls the
allowable percentage of acceleration allowed. The
higher the number the more sensitive the system is.
A good starting point is 4. Valid settings for
Threshold are 1-8. (0 turns unit off, except for sensor
test / 9 activates window RPM test).
The LED on the system is useful in determining the
settings. Once the driveline has crossed 1500 rpm
(default) for the first time the LED will flash when
the system is making a correction. If the unit seems
to be making too many corrections then the
Threshold setting may be too high. If the unit does
not seem to making enough corrections then the
Threshold may be set too low. Valid settings are 1
through 8. The higher the setting, the more sensitive the
traction control will be. A good starting point is 4.