Nitrous Express DIRECT PORT (NOZZLE SYSTEM) User Manual
Direct port (nozzle system) instructions, Mounting the bottle

Congratulations on the purchase of your Nitrous Express Direct Port system. Nitrous Express utilizes only the highest quality components
designed for the use of liquid nitrous oxide. To properly utilize these specially designed components and obtain the trouble-free operation that
this system is capable of producing, it is extremely important that you read all instructions carefully. Pay special attention to the important notes
at the end of the installation steps and the tuning tips listed at the back of this instruction sheet.
The installation procedures are divided into 5 sections. Please pay particular attention to each one:
1. Mounting the bottle.
2. Drilling the manifold & plumbing the nozzles
3. Plumbing the fuel system.
4. Wiring the system
5. Testing the system.
Before starting any installation steps:
1. Disconnect the negative battery terminal.
2. Never use Teflon tape on any system fittings. Tape debris will c a u s e numerous problems ranging from clogged solenoids to
blocked jets. Use the red liquid NX thread sealer supplied with the system. A drop is all it takes.
3. Have your nitrous bottle filled by a reliable source, being sure it is filled to capacity with filtered “Nytrous +” nitrous oxide. For filling
station locations log on to
The nitrous bottle should be mounted in the trunk area or outside of the passenger compartment. If this is not possible or practical a
NHRA approved blow down tube and vent fitting (PN’s 11708, 11709) must be installed. The positioning of the bottle should be as
shown in illustration “A”. This will allow the siphon tube to be covered at all times.
The mounting brackets should be assembled on the bottle with the short bracket approx. 2” from the bottom, on 10 lb. bottles the long
bracket should be place approx. 7” above the lower one, on 15lb bottles the upper bracket should be approx. 12” above the lower
bracket. Use this mock up as a template t o locate the four mounting b olt holes.
Note: Before drilling holes be sure to check for clearance beneath the mounting surface i.e.: fuel tank, fuel lines, brake lines.