Nitrous Express NISSAN GTR PLATE SYSTEM User Manual
Nitrous Express For the car

Congratulations on the purchase of your Nitrous Express GTR Plate system. Nitrous Express utilizes only the
highest quality components designed for the use of liquid nitrous oxide. To properly utilize these specially designed
components and obtain the trouble-free operation that this system is capable of producing, it is extremely important
that you read all instructions carefully. Pay special attention to the important notes at the end of the installation steps
and the tuning tips listed at the back of this instruction sheet. The NX GTR Plate System is designed to operate with
stock fuel pumps and no timing retards up to the 50 horsepower setting.
On all settings above 50 horsepower the following precautions should be observed:
A. Fuel pressure while using nitrous should be monitored, if fuel pressure drops while using nitrous an extra
capacity aftermarket fuel pump must be used.
B. High octane race type fuel, and/or timing retard must be used to prevent detonation.
C. Increased strength internal engine components and high performance head gaskets may be required.
D. Depending on compression and fuel quality timing retard may be necessary to prevent detonation. If you have an
aftermarket ECU tuner that advances the stock timing, detonation could be a problem. These aftermarket tuners
can potentially be compatible if higher octane fuel or NX Power Booster (PN # 16003) fuel additive is used. To
insure proper system assembly and operation, carefully read the following installation procedures thoroughly
before beginning. DO NOT use any sealer on flare connections, hose, or bottle connections. Use no other sealing
compounds or Teflon tape. Excessive tightening of parts is not necessary, snug is tight enough. If it is necessary
to remove a fitting installed with the red NX sealer heat must be applied to release the sealing agent. NOTE:
Due to shipping restrictions all NX nitrous bottles arrive empty. Before beginning the installation the N2O bottle
should be filled by a NX accredited filling station. For filling station locations log on to
battery cable. If there is any question about this operation, consult the vehicle owner’s manual!
Slide bottle into bottle brackets. Use illustration A as a guide for proper alignment. Locate bottle assembly in a
mounting area that will provide easy access to bottle valve for hose connection and bottle removal. Using the bottle
unit as a pattern, mark and drill four 3/8” holes. Note: Before drilling holes be sure to check beneath the area being
drilled for obstructions, fuel lines or fuel tank. Then secure unit to mounting surface. (Recommended minimum of
four 5/16” grade five bolts). Align the bottle in the brackets so that the valve outlet is pointing downward to the
mounting surface (see illustration A) and tighten the bottle bracket bolts. NOTE: This is VERY IMPORTANT so
that internal siphon tube will pick up liquid nitrous.