Nitrous Express Fire & Ice Pressure Controller (SPEED00020) User Manual

Nitrous express fire & ice pressure controller

background image

Nitrous Express Fire & Ice Pressure Controller


Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 1

1. Before beginning the installation the Fire & Ice

Control (FIC) unit must be calibrated to the correct

bottle pressure. All NX systems operate at 1050PSI.

Check with your nitrous kit manufacturer to determine

their operating pressures. To calibrate the unit remove

the four retaining screws on the face of the black

controller box. Carefully remove the unit face to expose

the internal workings of the control unit. In the lower

center of the box is an adjusting knob, carefully adjust

the setting to correspond to the correct pressure for your

nitrous system. (Figure 1). All NX Systems must be set

on 9.

The installation of the NX Fire & Ice Pressure Controller is a simple and straightforward procedure, however

anytime you are dealing with dangerous high-pressure cryogenic gases and electrical connections extreme caution

must be exercised. If you do not have the proper tools or the experience to complete this installation please consult a

professional for help.

3. With the “T” bolt changed the FIC may now be

attached to the nitrous bottle by inserting the FIC under

the now extended bracket. (Figure2) Tighten the clamp

securely to ensure complete surface contact between

the bottle and the FIC. Be sure the FIC makes full and

complete contact with the bottle surface. Do not place

the FIC over the bottle decal or anything else that might

prevent complete contact with the bottle surface. This is

essential for satisfactory unit performance.

4. Now you are ready to mount the FIC controller. This

unit must be mounted within the length of controller

wiring harness, do not cut or splice any wiring! If you

wish to view the control unit status from the cockpit a

remote display unit PN00021 is sold separately.

5. Close the bottle valve completely and carefully

remove the nitrous supply line from the bottle nipple.

Liquid nitrous oxide can cause severe freeze burns, take

care to slowly vent any liquid nitrous in the supply line

by loosening the line slowly until the pressure in the

line escapes. Using the supplied thread sealant install

the pressure transducer into the blue adaptor manifold.

Install the adaptor manifold onto the bottle nipple and

reconnect the nitrous supply line.

2. Begin the installation by removing the rear, or bottom,

bottle bracket T bolt (Figure 1) on the nitrous bottle.

Replace the existing “T” bolt with the one supplied

in the Fire & Ice Controller (FIC). If your kit uses a

different style of clamp order PN 11106.