Nitrous Express Honda NXL User Manual
Nitrous Express For the car

NXL nozzle with “Integrated Rail Tech-
nology” for Honda B16a & Type “R”
Congratulations on the purchase of your
Nitrous Express NXL nozzle with “Integrated Rail
Technology” System. You have chosen the fi nest,
most technologically advanced system on the mar-
ket. Nitrous Express utilizes only the highest quality
components designed for the use of liquid nitrous
oxide. To properly utilize these specially designed
components and obtain the trouble-free operation that
this system is capable of producing, it is extremely
important that you read all instructions carefully. Pay
special attention to the important notes at the end of
the installation steps and the tuning tips listed at the
back of this instruction sheet.
All NXL systems are designed to operate with
stock fuel pumps, and no timing retards are required.
If you have an aftermarket ECU chip that advances
the stock timing, detonation could be a problem.
These chips can still be retained if higher octane fuel
or NX Chemical “X” (PN16003) fuel additive is used.
On Dual Stage or EFI Race systems an aftermarket,
high capacity fuel pump must be installed. Depending
on your combination and level of nitrous boost, tim-
ing retard may also be required.
To ensure proper system assembly and opera-
tion, carefully read the following installation proce-
dures thoroughly before beginning. Use NX thread
sealer on all pipe thread connections; DO NOT use
any sealant on fl are connections, hose, or bottle con-
nections. Use no other sealing compounds or Tefl on
tape. All threads must be clean and dry, apply only
enough sealer to wet the threads, too little is better
than too much. Excessive tightening of parts is not
necessary, snug is enough. If it is necessary to remove
a fi tting installed with the red NX sealer, heat must
be applied to release the sealing agent. NOTE: Due
to shipping restrictions all NX nitrous bottles arrive
empty. Before beginning the installation the N2O
bottle should be fi lled by a NX accredited fi lling sta-
Before starting any installation procedures,
carefully disconnect the vehicle’s negative battery
cable. If there is any question about this operation
consult the vehicle owners manual!
Insert the bottle nipple into bottle nut and securely
tighten on the bottle valve. (See Illustration A) Slide
bottle into bottle brackets . Use illustration A as a
guide for proper alignment. Locate bottle assembly
in a mounting area that will provide easy access to
bottle valve, for hose connection and bottle removal.
Using the bottle unit as a pattern, mark and drill four
3/8” holes. Note: Before drilling holes, be sure to
check beneath the area being drilled for obstructions,
fuel lines or fuel tank. Then secure unit to mounting
surface. (Recommended minimum of four 5/16” grade
fi ve bolts.) Align the bottle in the brackets so that the
valve outlet is pointing downward to the mounting
surface (see Illustration A) and tighten the bottle
bracket bolts. NOTE: This is VERY IMPORTANT so
that internal siphon tube will pick up liquid nitrous.
Before any modifi cations are made under the
hood, we suggest that you make a diagram of all
hoses, wiring and linkages.
First, start by unplugging all sensors and injectors.
Remove the large nut on the fuel inlet. Also remove