Electrical, Knob & lever installation – ididit Retrofit Steering Column: 1967-69 Chrysler B-Body User Manual

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A wiring adaptor was included with your new ididit steering column.
This wiring adaptor is a direct plug in for all 3 years and simply plugs in
between the OEM vehicle harness and the ididit column harness. How’s
that for easy!

Aftermarket Wire Harness Tech Note:
There are a few aftermarket harnesses out there for this application. Some
are a direct factory replacement. Others are based on the GM wire color
code. Our wire code is GM based. If you get one of these kits we have
matching connectors and this may also plug directly in.

NOTE our turn

signal plug is the 3 7/8 male plug.

If you have an aftermarket wiring harness, please resist the urge to cut the
plug’s off.

We have both male plugs and both female plugs in stock if you need one
that was not supplied with the kit. These plugs come with terminals and
instructions. If this is the case for your installation please call us at
(517) 424-0577.

General Electrical Tips
Hey it’s a big world… and just in case you are using a unusual
combination of parts, here’s the nuts and bolts of the electrical system.
Turn Signal Switch

Black Horn relay trigger, GROUND TO SOUND

Lt. Blue Left front turn signal and indicator

DK Blue Right front turn signal and indicator

Brown 4 way feed wire, Hot from Flasher Can hot all the time.

Purple Turn signal feed. Hot with ignition on only.

Yellow Left rear turn and brake

Green Right rear turn and brake
White Brake feed from brake switch


Tilt Lever
After removing all items from the package, screw the
knobs onto the levers. The tilt lever is installed on the
left side of the column in the threaded hole located
closest to the dash. We recommend using Locktite.